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Well it is like this I work with GOD and have contact with him 24/7 if I want to he has called me to work for him it is my Jutty as a person to serve him to my best this song is about if people or the world turns to GOD I see what i can do if some turn away even if the world turns away from GOD I be there to bring you al back to GOD I be there in the always


When the people of the world gone astray
And they tell they do not know the unknown GOD
I tell them well his unknown.

Let me introduce you to the son of GOD
His found in the gospel new testament
I know JESUS says

He says turn to me all who are sick
And weary and i will give you rest.

He says turn to me al you poor widows and orphans
And i will give you a home JESUS SAYS

He says turn to me all who need salvation
And i will save you JESUS SAYS

He says turn to me all who need a blessing
And i will bless you JESUS SAYS

He says turn to me all who need a healing
And i will heal JESUS SAYS

He says turn to me all you sinners
And i will perfect JESUS SAYS

He says the unknown GOD and i are one and the same
I know him i can help you find him and be in peace with him


(c) 16 - JULY - 2021 THEMIS KOUTRAS

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