She Talks To Flowers

· 12 mois depuis dans Dance, dans l'album: Sea of Green
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La description

Holworks - Higher Order Language - WORKS provides wholesome original music to be enjoyed by anyone for a lifetime.
She Talks to Flowers - Sea of Green - Holworks - 2023 all rights reserved
Sometimes, just at the edge of sight, or in full view, she is seen wandering through the green conversing with the wild things, especially the flowers. She names them, gives them blossoms, and remembers each and every one of them. She is a marker. She is the summer. Dance with her in the long, warm, and humid afternoons. She talks to flowers. She could be a man. Especially would like to thank the Lord who continues to inspire us with wholesome original music we can share with you, the Public.

Joey Okrie - Music and production
Mark Holman - Lyrics, vocals, and production


Coming soon, . . .

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