Bone Dry

· 12 месяцы тому назад в Classic / Alternative / Contemporary, в альбоме: Sea of Green
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Holworks - Higher Order Language - WORKS provides wholesome original music to be enjoyed by anyone for a lifetime. Bone Dry - Sea of Green - Holworks - 2023 all rights reserved
Joey Okrie - Music, Production
Mark S. Holman - Lyrics, Vocals, Production

Текст песни

Bone Dry
Summer swelter seizes sky and ground,
Devils in dust devine distance and sound.
Odd water tracks removed no longer hang around,
Lingering rain memories are rarely found.

Bone dry, an Earth sigh, succumbing to the heat.
A tree cry, roots pry seeking moisture from the street.
July sky, passing by no water for your treat.
A perfect try, bone dry, one day you two can meet.
Forget the dew memories left inside a beet.
Bone dry eyes compromise the subtleties of relief.

Bone dry, an Earth sigh, succumbing to the heat.
July sky, passing by no water for your treat.
A perfect try, bone dry, one day you two can meet.
Forget the dew memories left inside a beet.
Bone dry eyes compromise the subtleties of relief.

Summer swelter seizes sky and ground,
Devils in dust devine distance and sound.
Odd water tracks, Bone Dry

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