
· 12 месяцы тому назад в Classic / Alternative / Contemporary, в альбоме: Sea of Green
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Holworks - Higher Order Language - WORKS provides wholesome original music to be enjoyed by anyone for a lifetime.

Accessories - Sea of Green - Holworks - 2023 all rights reserved.

Bulletin: Fayetteville, NC - Holworks - "Accessories are warranted in that wonderful world known as the Sea of Green. Most are a personal endeavor yet some cross lines to earn the top favorite spot. Ironically clever are those accessories that can completely disguise intent, aroma, and yet maintain the scrumptious connection to flavor. Thanks for liking our songs, simple though they may be." Say hello in the comments. We would love to hear from you!
Holworks - Sea of Green - Accessories
Joey Okrie - Music, production
Mark S. Holman - Lyrics, vocal, production

Текст песни

Have a dab in an isolated tower room.
Have a way to unimpeded escape.
Have a tie-down case when you have to zoom.
Make a choice between lavender or grape.
Paper thins wrap rolls with a furious flare,
Rolltop pipes burn unexpectedly slow.
Delicious dug-out is a personal care.
Left or right are the easy ways to go.

Accessories can change manicured perception,
The way of the green is a personal endeavor,
Accessories manipulate like an ice bowl inception,
A hidden draw in public is ironically clever.
Wait for it, wait for it possums can drool
Like an intoxicated fat man sitting on a stool.

Paper thins wrap rolls with a furious flare,
Rolltop pipes burn unexpectedly slow.
Delicious dug-out is a personal care.
Left or right are the easy ways to go.

Accessories can change manicured perception,
The way of the green is a personal endeavor,
Accessories manipulate like an ice bowl inception,
A hidden draw in public is ironically clever.
Wait for it, wait for it possums can drool
Like an intoxicated fat man sitting on a stool.

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