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This rockin tune features Travis Loafman wailing away on guitar! It is a song about my wife and I. You can dance to it!

Текст песни

I Met Crystal

I met Crystal when she was 5 and I was only 10 years old a long time ago.
When she caught this young boy's eye I wanted her to be at my side.
We've been married over 20 years and I love her today.

What God has put together let no man put asunder
Or else you might get hit by His lighting and thunder.
What God has put together let no man put asunder
Or else you might get hit by His lighting and thunder.

(guitar solo)

What God has put together let no man put asunder
Or else you might get hit by His lighting and thunder.
What God has put together let no man put asunder
Or else you might get hit by His lighting and thunder.

I hate divorce says the Lord God of Israel.
I love you do much I gave my life.
I forgave you of everything,
Can't you love your wife that way too?
I ain't messin' around with you people,
Yeah, come to Me.
You can only divorce if your heart is hard,
Come to Me and I'll soften it for you.

Jesus has forgiven me of everything I've ever done, I can love my wife that way.
Jesus has forgiven me forever I can be with my wife and love her that way every day.
I met Crystal when she was 5 and I was only 10 years old a long time ago.
When she caught this young boy's eye I wanted her to be at my side.

What God has put together let no man put asunder
Or else you might get hit by His lighting and thunder.
What God has put together let no man put asunder
Or else you might get hit by His lighting and thunder.

Come let us reason together, though your sins be as scarlet I'll make them white as snow.
Come unto me all of you who labor are heavy of burden and I'll give you rest.

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